Sub-Adviser Selection Process


Old Glory Asset Management utilizes both quantitative and qualitative screens to select our stable of sub-advisers. The sub-advisers utilized by Old Glory Asset Management must meet the following criteria:


Past investment performance must be superior when compared to the appropriate benchmark and peer group universe. Consistency of investment returns over a market cycle is also a must.


Investment Philosophy and Process
The sub-adviser must have a well-articulated investment philosophy and process. This process must be disciplined and have been consistently applied over a number of years.


Low Turnover of Investment Professionals
The portfolio management teams of our sub-advisers are experienced and stable. We seek out sub-advisory firms that offer a team approach to portfolio management as opposed to a “lone-wolf” decision maker.


Strong Business Fundamentals
Old Glory Asset Management affiliates with SEC registered investment advisory firms. Our sub-advisers must have at least $150 million in assets under management. Further, they have to demonstrate a desire to grow and expand their product offerings and client base.


Ongoing Sub-Adviser Oversight


Old Glory Asset Management visits the offices of our sub-advisers to “kick the tires” and perform due-diligence checks. Old Glory and its’ affiliated sub-advisers are in frequent contact via phone, email and facsimile.


Old Glory continually reviews the investment performance, organizational and personnel stability of our affiliated sub-advisers. Any significant, detrimental change in these factors would result in an immediate reevaluation of the sub-advisory relationship and client notification.


At the client level, portfolio holdings and performance are monitored by Old Glory on a monthly basis. In addition, the sub-advisers are required to complete a quarterly questionnaire which indicates the status of compliance with the client’s investment guidelines. Any deviation from the client’s investment guidelines will be immediately addressed and rectified.




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